forschung hno innsbruck14

HNOForschungExperimentelle Kopf-Hals-Onkologie

Experimentelle Kopf-Hals-Onkologie


Prädiktive Marker und Therapieresistenz von Kopf-Hals-Tumoren, epithelial-mesenchymale Transition, Tumor-Stroma Interaktionen, Tumor Metabolismus, mitochondriale Dysfunktion, Immuncheckpoint-Therapie, präklinische organo-typische ex vivo Gewebe Slice cultures, extrazelluläre Vesikel, Liquid Biopsien, circulating Tumor DNA, Gene-expression Profiling in humane Innenohr Entwicklung, Neuroptrophin Signaling, Neuroendokrin Signalwege in die Kopf-Hals Tumoren

Aktuelle/ausgewählte Publikationen

  • Greier, Maria do Carmo; Runge, Annette; Dudas, Jozsef; Pider, Viktoria; Skvortsova, Ira-Ida; Savic, Dragana; Riechelmann, Herbert: Mitochondrial dysfunction and epithelial to mesenchymal transition in head neck cancer cell lines.
    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2022; 12(1); 13255.
    PubMed: 35918485 doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-16829-5.
  • Ingruber, Julia; Dudas, Jozsef; Savic, Dragana; Schweigl, Gabrielle; Santer, Matthias; Carollo, Sandro; Trajanoski, Zlatko; Riechelmann, Herbert; Steinbichler, Teresa Bernadette; Greier, Maria do Carmlo: EMT-related transcription factors and protein stabilization mechanisms involvement in cadherin switch of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
    EXPERIMENTAL CELL RESEARCH. 2022; 414(1); 113084.
    PubMed: 35219646 doi: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2022.113084.
  • Ingruber, Julia; Dudas, Jozsef; Sprung, Susanne; Lungu, Bianca; Mungenast, Felicitas: Interplay between Partial EMT and Cisplatin Resistance as the Drivers for Recurrence in HNSCC. BIOMEDICINES. 2022; 10(10); 2482.
    PubMed: 36289744 doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10102482 
  • Ladanyi, Andrea; Hegyi, Barbara; Balatoni, Timea; Liszkay, Gabriella; Rohregger, Raphael; Waldnig, Christoph; Dudas, Jozsef; Ferrone, Soldano: HLA Class I Downregulation in Progressing Metastases of Melanoma Patients Treated With Ipilimumab.
    PATHOLOGY & ONCOLOGY RESEARCH. 2022; 28(S); 1610297.
    PubMed: 35531074 doi: 10.3389/pore.2022.1610297
  • Riechelmann, Herbert; Steinbichler, Teresa Bernadette; Sprung, Susanne; Santer, Matthias; Runge, Annette; Ganswindt, Ute; Gamerith, Gabriele; Dudas, Jozsef: The Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transcription Factor Slug Predicts Survival Benefit of Up-Front Surgery in Head and Neck Cancer.
    CANCERS. 2021; 13(4); 772.
    PubMed: 33673269 doi: 10.3390/cancers13040772.
  • Ingruber, Julia; Savic, Dragana; Steinbichler, Teresa Bernadette;  Sprung, Susanne; Fleischer, Felix; Glueckert, Rudof; Schweigl, Gabrielle;  Skvortsova, Ira-Ida; Riechelmann, Herbert; Dudas, Jozsef: KLF4, Slug and EMT in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cells. 2021; (10) 539. PubMed: 3380262
  • Steinbichler, Teresa Bernadette;  Dudas, Jozsef; Ingruber, Julia; Glueckert, Rudolf; Sprung, Susanne; Fleischer, Felix; Cidlinsky, Natascha;  Dejaco, Daniel;  Kofler, Barabara;  Giotakis, Aris; Skvortsova, Ira-Ida; Riechelmann, Herbert: Slug Is A Surrogate Marker of Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) in Head and Neck Cancer. J Clin Med. 9. 2020; E2061. PubMed: 32630033
  • Dudas, Jozsef; Ladanyi, Andrea; Ingruber, Julia; Steinbichler, Teresa Bernadette; Riechelmann, Herbert: Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition: A Mechanism that Fuels Cancer Radio/Chemoresistance. Cells. 2020; 9. PubMed: 32059478

Laufende Projekte

  • Neurotrophins in developing inner ear and in HNSCC

    Teilnehmer: Jozsef Dudas, Anneliese Schrott-Fischer, Rudolf Glückert, Claudia Steinacher

    Förderung: FWF. Projektnummer: I 4811-B

  • Predictive markers of immune checkpoint therapy

    Teilnehmer: Jozsef Dudas, Julia Ingruber

    Förderung: FWF, Projekt Nummer:  I 3976-B33

  • Permissivity and mode of action of oncolytic viruses in ex vivo samples and slice cultures of human head and neck cancer.

    Teilnehmer: Herbert Riechelmann (bis Oktober 2022) Jozsef Dudas, Annette Runge, Maria do Carmo Greier

    Förderung:  ViraTherapeutics. D-153110-015-015


  • Shin-ichi Usami, Shinshu University School of Medicine, Dept. Otorhinolaryngology, Matsumoto, Japan
  • Giovanni Blandino, IRCSS Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Translational Oncology Unit, Rome, Italy
  • Andrea Ladanyi, National Institute of Oncology, Budapest, Hungary
  • Dr. M. Helena Vasconcelos, PhD, the Cancer Drug Resistance Group, i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, University of Porto, Portugal.
  • European Organisation for. Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)
  • European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) ACTION Projekt CA21135 Immuno-model


PD Dr. Jozsef Dudas, PhD

Dr. Julia Federspiel, PhD

Maria do Carmo Greier, MSc

Gabrielle Schweigl


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